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Air Quality Services

Aido Can Improve The Air You Breathe At Home

The air we breathe makes a huge impact on our everyday health. When we have children or people with respiratory vulnerabilities like asthma or allergies, that impact is even greater.

Unfortunately, polluted air is everywhere and it’s not just found in places outside. Your home can have a great deal of indoor air pollution that can take its toll on your wellbeing.

Poor indoor air quality can cause symptoms like irritation of the eyes, nose and throat. It can also cause headaches, dizziness and fatigue. Long term exposure can cause respiratory disease, heart disease and even cancer.

With such serious effects, it’s not surprising that there are a variety of methods for cleaning and purifying your indoor air. At Aido, we offer air purifiers, dehumidifiers, humidifiers and UV lights to help optimize your indoor air quality for your family’s health.

Tools to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Air Purifiers

These devices can neutralize aggravating particles within your home to improve the ease of breathing and to remove harmful viruses and bacteria.

Ventilation Systems

An HRV (also known as an energy recovery ventilation system) takes heat or coolness out of old exhaust air and transfers it to the fresh intake air. In the meantime it removes excess moisture, odors and contaminants while helping you to conserve energy in your home.


Just as overly moist air can be harmful, dry air can be harmful to breathe and uncomfortable to live in. It can worsen a variety of health issues from respiratory to skin problems. Plus, insufficient humidity in your home can cause your wood and leather furniture to become dry and brittle, and prone to cracking.

UV Lights

Placed directly inside your HVAC unit, UV lights kill harmful particles in the air and keep bacteria and viruses at bay.

Duct Cleaning

Indoor air quality is a big problem in the 21st century, both here and abroad. As homes become better sealed against the elements, the importance of having clean air inside your home increases. Without even knowing it, your air duct system could be contaminated with particulates that are harmful to you and your family.

Aido Climate Solutions Inc. will demonstrate our indoor air quality expertise when we assess and determine what’s healthy for your family home. We’ll evaluate your home’s air and determine whether you need additional humidity or air purification and work with you to get the appropriate solutions in place.

Call Aido Climate Solutions Inc. today to improve the air quality you and your family breathe at home.

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